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Robotic Process Automation (RPA) characteristics & benefits
2AutomateAnything (2AA) offers you everything needed for your digital transformation journey! Businesses today highly demand efficiency. One of the ideal ways to make companies efficient is by adopting Robotic Process...
Rajaneesh Balakrishnan – Winner of 2xUiPath MVP award
There are no secrets to Success. It is the result of A burning passion coupled with proper preparation, hard work and consistent learning. Rajaneesh Balakrishnan is a perfect example on...
What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA) ?
Definition: In Simple terms - RPA can be defined as Automation of work using digital robots To expand it further - RPA is the technology that allows computer software to...
“Robotic Process Automation Testing” is the new Software Testing with UiPath Test Suite!
Software Testing is recognized by RPA giant Uipath with their product UiPath Test Suite. Yes!- I had a chance to experiment UiPathTestSuite and very much impressed with the capability of...